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MAX_EXTRACTION_PER_GO — Static Property, class com.yoambulante.midifiles.SamplesExtractor
Everytime .extract() is called it will try to extract up to this amount of samples
MidiFilesReader — class, package com.yoambulante.midifiles
This class reads a standard MIDI file (.mid) and exposes all events through all different tracks found in the midi file
MidiFilesReader() — Constructor, class com.yoambulante.midifiles.MidiFilesReader
MidiMessage — class, package com.yoambulante.midifiles
MidiMessage contains information about the midi event (message) on an especific midi track
MidiMessage(cate:uint, dtime:uint, type:uint, channel:uint, param1:uint, param2:uint, str:String, param3:uint, param4:uint, param5:uint, bin:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Constructor, class com.yoambulante.midifiles.MidiMessage
midiNote — Property, class com.yoambulante.midifiles.SamplerKey
MidiTrack — class, package com.yoambulante.midifiles
MidiTrack contains all events related to the track, note that events channels are independant of the track
MidiTrack(copyFrom:com.yoambulante.midifiles:MidiTrack) — Constructor, class com.yoambulante.midifiles.MidiTrack
creates a new midi track which contents all different kind of midi events.
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